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The prostate is a small walnut shaped gland located in the pelvis and is part of the male reproductive system. About the size of a walnut, it's located between the penis and the bladder, and surrounds the urethra. The main function of the prostate is to produce a thick white fluid that creates semen when mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles.
Prostate cancer may cause no signs or symptoms in its early stages. In its advanced state it may cause signs and symptoms listed below. Kindly note that these symptoms could be caused by conditions other than prostate cancer as well. Should you see any of the below symptoms,
There's no single test for prostate cancer. All the tests used to help diagnose the condition have benefits and risks that your doctor should discuss with you. The most commonly used tests for prostate cancer are:
Complications of prostate cancer and its treatments include:
You can reduce your risk of prostate cancer if you: